Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Standards, Acts, Rules & Legislations
- Environmental Standards
- Environmental Acts, Rules and Regulations
- The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
- Gazette Notification on Draft CAF Rules, 2018. [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- Forest (Conservation) Amendment Rules, 2017. [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- Forest (Conservation) Second Amendment Rules, 2014. [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- Forest (Conservation) Amendment Rules, 2014. [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- Corrigendum to the Forest(Conservation) Amendment Rules, 2004. [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- Forest (Conservation) Amendment Rules, 2004. [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003. [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
- Noise pollution (Regulation and Control) (Amendment) Rules, 2009
- Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation) Rules, 2000
- Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016
- Solid Waste Management Rule, 2016
- Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016
- Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016
- Bio-Medical Waste Rules, 2016
- e-Waste Management Rules 2016
- The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022
- Water Purification System (Regulation of Use) Rules, 2023.
- Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Rules, 2023.
- Environment (Protection) Seventh Amendment Rules, 2023.
- Liquid Waste Management Rules, 2024 (DRAFT).
- Mining Legislations
- The Mines Act (Act No. 35 of 1952)
- Mine Rule, 1955
- The Coal Mines Regulations, 1957
- The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957
- The Mettaliferous Mines Regulations, 1961
- Mines Creche Rules, 1966
- Mine Vocational Training Rule, 1966
- Mine Rescue Rule, 1985
- Regulations of Minerals
- The Offshore Areas Mineral Concession Rules, 2006
- Explosives Rules, 2008
- Mining Leases & Prospecting Licenses, 2010
- National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015
- Coal Legislation (26.04.2011)
- Oil Mines Regulations, 2011 (G.S.R. 876E)
- Mining Leases & Prospecting Licenses, 2012
- Haryana Minor Mineral Concession, Stocking, Transportation of Minerals and Prevention of Illegal Mining Rules, 2012
- Mining Leases & Prospecting Licenses, 2013
- The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Ordinance-2015 : Policy Brief
- 27th March 2015: The Gazette of India - The Mines and minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015
- Draft Environmental Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2015
- 09th May 2016: The Gazette of India - The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016
- 27th February 2017: The Gazette of India - Mineral Conservation & Development Rules, 2017
- 27th November 2017: The Gazette of India - Coal Mines Regulation 2017
- 10th January 2020: The Mineral Laws (Amendment) Ordinance - 2020
- 10th January 2020: The Mineral Laws (Amendment) Act - 2020 (No. 01 of 2020)
- 13th March 2020: The Mineral Laws (Amendment) Act - 2020 (No. 02 of 2020)
- 28th March 2021: The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2021 (No. 16 of 2021)
- Policies and Guidelines
- Guidelines for preparation of Mine Closure Plan (27.08.2009)
- Coal - Determination of Forms of Sulphur
- Design, Control and monitoring of Pit and Dump Slopes in Open Cast Mines (06.07.2010)
- Guidelines for preparation of Mining plan for the coal and lignite blocks (06.04.2011)
- Guidelines for setting up coal washeries (26.04.2011)
- Policy regarding Coal linkages (26.04.2011)
- Coal Distribution (26.04.2011)
- Pricing of Coal (26.04.2011)
- Trial E-Marketting by Coal Companies of CIL (26.04.2011)
- Coal Mining by State (26.04.2011)
- Colliery Control Order (26.04.2011)
- Eligibility to Coal Mining (26.04.2011)
- Exploration of Coal (26.04.2011)
- Export Import of Coal (26.04.2011)
- Foreign Direct Investment in Coal (26.04.2011)
- Further Instructions regd. Implementation of New Coal Distribution Policy (26.07.2011)
- New Coal Distribution Policy - Amendment regarding validity of 15 of Assurance (LoAs) issued thereunder (05.09.2013)
- Quality Policy Of Ministry of Coal, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (05.05.2014)
- Meeting of the IMC to formulate a policy on coal rejects allocation for washery reject based power plants – reg. (10.11.2014)
- Guidelines for preparation of Mining Plan for the Coal (16.07.2015)
- Policy guidelines for grant of 'Bridge Linkage' to specified end-use plants of Central and State Public Sector Undertakings (Both in Power as well as Non-Power sector) which have been allotted coal mines/ blocks. (08.02.2016)
- Policy for automatic transfer of coal linkage/Letter of Assurance (LoA) granted to the old plants while scrapping and replacing them with new plants- reg. (18.02.2016)
- Addition of IIT, Khargpur and IIEST, Shibpur as agencies for Assessment and Certification of works done of Mine Closure Activities of coal and lignite mines as per approved Mine Closure Plan (Progressive & Final) -Reg. (29.06.2016)
- New Coal Distribution Policy - Amendment regarding increasing the annual cap of coal through State Nominated Agencies and amending phrase of small and medium sector - regarding (27.09.2016)
- The Minerals (other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Rules, 2016 (01.12.2017)
- Granite Conservation and Development Rules, 1999 (27.01.2021)
- Marble Development and Conservation Rules, 2002 (27.01.2021)
- Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017 (27.01.2021)
- Minerals (Transfer of Mining Lease granted otherwise than through auction for captive purpose) Rules, 2016 (27.01.2021)
- National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules-2015 (27.01.2021)
- The Atomic Minerals Concession Rules, 2016 (27.01.2021)
- The Mineral (Mining by Government Company) Amendment Rules, 2019 (27.01.2021)
- The Mineral (Mining by Government Company) Rules 2015 (27.01.2021)
- The Mineral Conservation and Development (Amendment) Rules, 2019 (27.01.2021)
- Mineral Auction Amendment Rules, 2021 (31.03.2021)
- Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2021 (31.03.2021)
- The Mineral (Auction) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 (06.07.2021)
- The Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Amendment Rules, 2021 (06.07.2021)
- The Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) Amendment Rules 2021 (06.07.2021)
- Draft National Mineral Policy, 2018 [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]
- National Mineral Policy, 2019 [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]NEW